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Copy Writing

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What’s in a word?

How can we make sure your story gets across to your users?


Writing for web can be complicated. You may have been writing your whole life, but breaking up your story and content to make it web-friendly can be a fresh new challenge.

Copy for Web in Three Steps

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Learn your story

Use what we learned from your user experience deliverable to define what pages we’ll need on site, outline the story that you want to share on your site and create a sitemap.

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Create your content

Put pen to paper (or the digital version of that), and create your content. Review together and revise wherever needed.

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Source imagery

Add visual engagement to your words to help give them life. Source images to compliment your content and brand style.

Content is a big part of the process, but not the only part.

Continue learning how I can help with your user experience (know your audience!), website customization (design/development) and website optimizations (unseen but very critical elements to get your site seen on Google!)

 Ready to get started? Contact me for a quote!