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Website Optimization

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Help Google Find You

Optimizations your users might not see, but Google will!


Now that you’ve created a beautiful website, carefully developed for your users, how can you make sure people can find you? How do you tell Google to serve up your site when someone searches for your service?

Web Optimization in Three Steps

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Know your keywords and apply them

Make sure you know what people search when they are looking for products or services similar to yours - and add those keywords into page titles, meta descriptions and content wherever possible (and natural).

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Communicate with Google

Post-launch, submit your site to Google and check your robots.txt file and xml sitemap.

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Analytics and reporting

Custom analytics on your site help you know what users are doing on your site after it’s launched, and can help you adjust if you see pages performing poorly.

Web Optimization is a big part of the process, but not the only part.

Continue learning how I can help with your user experience (know your audience!), copy writing and content creation (words) and website customization (design and development).

 Ready to get started? Contact me for a quote!