What’s missing from every Squarespace template & how to make sure your site doesn’t miss them (FREE DOWNLOAD)

You should view your Squarespace template one step in a multi-step process when you’re considering your site’s design and content. When Squarespace set about designing and developing these templates, they didn’t do it with your business or story in mind. So when you are building your site you need to prioritize adding your personal elements at every turn. If you simply replace the demo content that Squarespace provided with your own words, you’re still missing the flow of how to tell YOUR STORY to YOUR USERS. 

See an example of a site that used the basic template and replaced the content with their own (before), then how their site shifted when we applied a tool called customer journey mapping to the homepage (after). In this example, we made the following adjustments taking into consideration a user who does not know who Heart of Wellness is, and who may not be ready to commit to a full wellness program:

  • Introduce the company and mission before jumping into services to provide a user with an understanding of who they are

  • Pulled all service offerings into a grid to give users an at-a-glance view of the different offerings so they don’t have to scroll to to understand all of their options

  • Added testimonials right on the homepage to reinforce the expertise of the wellness team

  • Added a Boutique to the site so that users can still engage with the brand and shop without the hefty price or commitment of a wellness program

  • Added some custom branded elements to reinforce the company brand over the standard Squarespace style



HOW Before.png


HOW After.png

Before implementing this, we sat down and identified the ACTIONS we want users to take on the site, the CONTENT they will need to drive them to those actions, and OPTIONS to take on the page so they don’t immediately leave the site. By applying this we were able to get an increase in engagement with the site and drive more users from the homepage into more detail pages, and create a new line of revenue for the company through the Boutique.  

If you’re considering starting your site - download this free guide to understand what steps you need to take before dumping content into the pre-existing templates you have. And contact me if you want some help getting started!


Ready to launch!